Friday, 26 April 2013

POLITICS! (not really)

It's me again! And today I'm going to touch on a sensitive subject now in my country (Malaysia) --- politics. The election's coming up, and everything here is in brouhaha. I practically can't go to the nearby convenience store without seeing a banner featuring a scale. Every time I flip through a newspaper, there's always an advertisement telling that the opposition party is terrible, making false promises, et cetera. Heck, they even got an advertisement on Youtube! Here's my opinion: If you're SOOOOO good and saintly and all the things that you claimed you are, why do you even need to attack the opposition party? If you have done good, the people of Malaysia would definitely know and hence vote for you! But ask your own conscience: have you done any good, if not any bad? When you die (as everybody must one day), do you dare to face your God and tell him you have not sinned during your ruling?

I have nothing against you personally, but from what I can see our country isn't getting any better, if not worse by the minute. We, the people of Malaysia, have seen enough! No advertisement or swaying talk is going to obscure our clear eyes! If you're still wasting wads of cash to put up advertisements, don't. Keep that money in case you need to run from the country or buy more jewelries.

P.S. If anyone's going to remove this forcibly, don't even try. All I wrote was hints, and as to how the readers perceive it is none of my cheese. So let's all wait for the grand change on 5th of May! Ini kalilah UBAH!

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