Sunday 2 March 2014

Might As Well......

Yes, I am procrastinating again. Since I have nothing better to do, I thought I might as well post something on this cobweb-covered blog. *flicks spider away*

So let's talk about what I've been up to since the last time I posted a post on this blog. For starters,Chinese New Year happened. It was the usual routine: visiting families and cousins and friends and my grandma's sister's son's cousin (unnecessary, I know), eating fattening food (surprisingly no weight was gained), and of course everyone's favourite part of it: getting red packets filled with money. Most of it was banked in (what else, eaten and pooped then flushed down the toilet?), but I left some of it with myself to spend on outings with friends (why you guys have to go to places that I need to spend T_T) and to buy myself some books \(^w^)/ !

Just before all that, I decided to quit my Diploma in Culinary Arts in Sunway University. As to why, it's pretty a combination of stress, better choice and acceptance. It turns out this course is not for the fainthearted, for they pound years of experience and knowledge into you within months (ouch), and you have to be able to perform the tasks of a skilled commis chef while only have taken months (yes, months) of lessons in actual practical kitchen cooking. That's like expecting you to drive like a race car driver after only getting your Learner's License. Painful. That has earned a 'no' from my tired body and mind (albeit after five months of this course).

Next on the list is what I'm going to take next. I decided to take up what my aunt suggested to me before all of these shenanigans: mass communication and then branch into journalism. She told me that I have an abundance of miscellaneous knowledge (flattered), and that I have a way with words. This actually stunned me into brief silence as I did not expect nice things to come from her. Now don't get me wrong, she's a nice person, but we often communicate in a more aggressive manner (oh the usual, slightly sarcastic choice of words and tones), and hearing all this from her reassured my undecided thought. I will become a journalist. *swipes tear*  Ehem, back to now. After doing some research, I decided to take ADTP, which is actually American Degree Transfer Program, in Taylor's University (No any particular reason for taking this in Taylor's, just pick the one you like the best). I wouldn't go into detail as to what the course offers, but I would tell you that it offers two years of local study, then two years in the United States. That is, if I finish the two years here.

After much delay I finally went and listened to my Driving Regulations Class for my Learner's License test, but I have yet to take the test and tIME'S RUNNING OUT! (Breathe, that's it, breatheeee) The instructor has yet to deliver my question book for me to practise, and he has not called back. I REALLY hope he gives me the book by tomorrow.

All that aside, there has been no constructive progress in my life whatsoever, and therefore is time for panic. ARGHHHHHURGHHHHHAHHHHHHHWHYHAVEIDONENOTHINGYET.

I really don't know what constructive posts I could write. Maybe something next week.

Monday 30 December 2013


Hey there, I am finally updating my blog again (thanks to my extreme boredom), and since I ran out of ideas of what to post, I'm just gonna sum up what year 2013 has been for me.

I spent three agonizing months waiting for my results and in March I got my SPM result (equivalent to high school diploma I guess?) with 4As (which is pretty low in Asian standards). I then procrastinated for months (now to think of it, I actually worked a while) before getting into college. I started my 2 year and 5 months diploma in culinary arts at Sunway University and met some awesome people (thumbs up to you if you guys are reading this). At first I was overpowered by the amount of stuff they are trying to cram into our skulls (cooking at the first day of practical class), but I adjusted myself as time passed. I've made some friends, and rivalries I suppose, over the three months of routine life. Everything was going a-okay until the night before my birthday, when things got serious.

My parents decided to confront me about my sexuality and asked if I'm gay, and took hella lot of time doing just that. I told them yes, and then there's the usual homosexual versus homophobic battle (which took two hours, ridiculous). They proceeded to try to "talk" me out of it, and throwing all manners of homophobic slurs around, such as "gay isn't normal", "gay is a mental illness", "your mind is sick", the standard package and all. After they realised they are not going anywhere with this, they said that I "torment" them, "disappoint" them, and just so you know, I did not hear a single word expressing love for me, whoever I am.

The incident is then gradually "forgotten" (yeah right), and our lives became normal again, or at least as normal as it was before. Laughter and joy came back (provided no one mentions the elephant in the room). I continued to go to my classes and carried on with my daily lives. December came and so did finals. To tell the truth, I did not study for as long as I ought to, only as long as it was necessary to. Still, I got through the tests without crying outside of the examination room, so I guess I did okay.

A week ago, my parents went to China with their passionate local friend (of North Korean descent in case anyone was curious) to look at ice sculptures and buy cheap (and possibly third-rated) stuff. Not having any interest, I stayed at home with my maid (yes, a maid, we still have that in Malaysia, but my parents and I treat her like family). One day I was just staring into nothingness, then out of nowhere I asked myself: what am I doing with my life?

After some thought, I realise, yes I do love food and I do love to cook, even as a job, but I have a bigger dream, a dream to be part of the world's performing arts crew. No I never danced and I only acted once in my life, but then I always felt something was missing from my life, even after studying for culinary arts, something I thought I love the most. Occasionally I will be told off for being "dramatic" and "unnecessarily extrovert", but sometimes people say I seal my lips and not say anything. I gave a lot of thought into this, and now I am still giving thought into it. I hope to come up with a decision before the clock strikes at midnight on the first of January.

Well that was probably the longest post (and the most personal) I have made on my blog. This blog is where I vent and speak out my thought freely, for people normally don't listen to me, with opinions such as "philosopher", "poetic" and "deep". I write this blog because I want to show people I am like everyone else, though I might be more lengthy and fanciful with my speech. Good day to you, peace out.

Sunday 5 May 2013


I can't express the feeling I'm feeling right now. I don't know how to pull it out of my mouth. I simply can't comprehend the fact that this particular event happened. How can boxes of ballot papers appear out of the thin air within the period of a blackout? And what a coincidence those ballot papers are all for the scale? Someone suggested magic, and I'm not denying. After 56 years of trickery and lies, they continued their shameless act. In what part of the world do you hear that the candidate bought votes from foreigners by giving them citizenship and cash? And in what part of the world do you hear that magic ballot paper tricks are performed on a national scale? I simply do not have enough words for such act of utter disgracefulness by not one, but a whole bunch of sore losers. Peace out readers, and remember to wear black tomorrow. Good night.

P.S. Don't you even dare to think about hacking my account, hired BN hackers. In case you didn't know, I'm acquaintance with the person who caused panic in 2000.

Friday 26 April 2013

POLITICS! (not really)

It's me again! And today I'm going to touch on a sensitive subject now in my country (Malaysia) --- politics. The election's coming up, and everything here is in brouhaha. I practically can't go to the nearby convenience store without seeing a banner featuring a scale. Every time I flip through a newspaper, there's always an advertisement telling that the opposition party is terrible, making false promises, et cetera. Heck, they even got an advertisement on Youtube! Here's my opinion: If you're SOOOOO good and saintly and all the things that you claimed you are, why do you even need to attack the opposition party? If you have done good, the people of Malaysia would definitely know and hence vote for you! But ask your own conscience: have you done any good, if not any bad? When you die (as everybody must one day), do you dare to face your God and tell him you have not sinned during your ruling?

I have nothing against you personally, but from what I can see our country isn't getting any better, if not worse by the minute. We, the people of Malaysia, have seen enough! No advertisement or swaying talk is going to obscure our clear eyes! If you're still wasting wads of cash to put up advertisements, don't. Keep that money in case you need to run from the country or buy more jewelries.

P.S. If anyone's going to remove this forcibly, don't even try. All I wrote was hints, and as to how the readers perceive it is none of my cheese. So let's all wait for the grand change on 5th of May! Ini kalilah UBAH!


It's been sooooo long since the last time I have updated my blog, but lately nothing special happened. I'm just doing what I do best: procrastination + vegetation. Not having a job, not studying, not even getting out of the house to get some fresh air. So here's why I'm updating my blog now. I have a BIG secret. No, scratch that. I have a ENORMOUS secret. I'm doing all I can to hide it from my parents, but I have told a few close friends (and a few not so close but still good friends). But as time went by, it kinda hurts to keep the secret to myself and a selected few (now not so few). So, for the first time since my realisation a few years back, I am going to post my secret. On the INTERNET. Drum roll please. BADUMDUMDUMDUMDUMDUM. I'm gay. There, I said it. (Man that closet was stuffy.) Even though my blog's is rarely visited, trust me, this makes me WAY better. If anyone reads this (I hope), take note that another blogger has come out of the closet on the internet. To you it might not be much to just come out on the internet, but to me it means a great deal. If you know anyone who's in the closet, tell them that a closet is no place for fabulous people like us, and he or she should come out and embrace their true selves.

P.S. I am trying my best to not extend my vegetation period any longer and do something productive. So this might mean more posts in the future. Yay me! :P

Sunday 30 December 2012


YEAH! Tomorrow's the start of a new year and once again I am updating my blog in the middle of the night. I don't know why, but I often get inspired at times like these when almost no one in my country is still up and awake. (Those who feel the same, leave a comment below.) I prefer to write in quiet hours of the morning when a normal person should be in his or her bed, snoring peacefully. It's just something about the night that invigorates me, though it might be the coffee that I drank regularly every 5 p.m. (Maybe I should reconsider my coffee routine...)  I'm working on a short story, so visit my blog regularly so that you can catch it early. And, as promised, I have a funny picture here for your entertainment:


Friday 21 December 2012 End Of The World

It's less than two hours till the end of the 21th of December 2012 and yet I am still here,writing this post. All I can say is, I sure didn't see any meteor showering from the skies or cracking open of the earth. Seems like the so-called Doomsday scenario is something that would make Ebenezer Scrooge say "Bah! Humbug!". (For those out there who never heard of this expression, read Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol' - perfect for this time of the year.) Anyway, Christmas's only a few days away and I haven't started my Christmas gift shopping yet (To those who know me personally, yes, I do buy gifts for others, so stop saying that I am stingy. ), so I plan to do it tomorrow with some of my extra cash. On a side note, anyone (from Malaysia, sorry) want a free gift? Tell you what,if you can guess the exact price that I paid for the books during the Big  Bad Wolf Book Sale in this picture in ONE guess, I will give you a free 'The Hunger Games' novel, in pristine condition. Interested? Comment below and take a wild guess!

P.S. This competition also takes place on my Facebook, so if you are correct BUT late, you would not get the prize. Hey, it's free, so no losses.

Click to read Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'